Our Weedmats provide excellent air penetration through the mat. This encourages worm and microbial activity & eliminates the problem of fungal growth or collar rot around plant stems and roots that occurs with other types of weed matting.
Weed Gunnel is fully UV stabilized, giving the matting an extended life of up to 3-4 years in full sun conditions or 6-8 years if covered. Unlike some other products, Weed Gunnel has the highest rate of UV treatment, added during manufacture process, this is necessary to combat the harsh Australian UV and climatic conditions.
Liquid or slow release fertilizer will also pass easily through the mat. If matting is covered with mulch, all nutrients from the break down of the mulch will also leach through to the soil.
Weed Gunnel creates a physical barrier, which helps to reduce soil erosion and the loss of valuable top soil, due to wind and water runoff. Soil compaction around crops is also reduced as less mechanical weed control is required.
Weed Gunnel is a registered Allowed Input (452AI) with the Australian Organic. This had made Weed Gunnel very popular with certified organic growers all over Australia. However it is widely used by conventional growers who appreciate the added benefit of using a weed control mat that will not harm their soil structure.
Weed Gunnel has been tested by the Qld University of Physical Sciences to ensure that no harmful toxins or heavy metal are released in the final break down of the mat.
Weed Gunnel reduces to use of herbicides, as well as reduces plant loss due to damage which can be caused by mechanical weed control or herbicide spray drift.
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